And the Main Thing is… Learning


In short, this book is about how to make learning the main thing – for pupils and teachers – and argues that the future, in terms of both pedagogy and policy, demands an approach rooted in learning.

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In short, this book is about how to make learning the main thing – for pupils and teachers – and argues that the future, in terms of both pedagogy and policy, demands an approach rooted in learning.
More specifically, it suggests that:

  • Everything we do much be based explicitly upon learning.
  • Teachers must be learners too.
  • We have a professional responsibility to go on learning about learning, because the better we understand learning and the learning process the better able we are to facilitate it in others.

The key question, and the one that this book seeks to address, is whether the strategies and policies that have enabled us to improve teaching and raise standards will be sufficient to help us develop further and promote learning. It is more of the same, or do we need a change of emphasis if we are break through the inevitable plateau of attainment and achievement?

“‘And the Main Thing is… Learning’ does not lambast; it does not criticise or destroy; rather it questions, challenges and connects. It looks back and looks forward, consolidating the territory we have gained and providing further bridges for us to cross as we continue the journey from where we are to where we need to go.”
Paul Ginni – author of The Teacher’s Toolkit

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